Creative Practice & Productivity

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver

It is deeply gratifying to witness change and growth in clients as they become more aware of how to decrease less constructive patterns as well as optimize strengths and skills towards greater success. As a writer and facilitator of creative development historically, I know how much passion, patience, and courage it takes to commit to making art and getting it into the world. The process may be lonely and isolating if supportive networks aren’t intact substantially.

Given my psychological background understanding unconcious factors as well as more apparent ones that may interfere with forward-moving actions and results, I use sessions to heighten awareness and insight as well as articulate guideposts in the service of meeting goals. I focus holistically on both the self as creator in addition to the creative endeavor itself. No project needs to be seen as insignificant or too small. It is a privilege to help my clients get to where they need to go.

(Individually Tailored & Co-Created)

Support and feedback for writers and artists at all stages of the creative process.

A safe space to discuss vulnerable feelings and work through blocks.

Exploration of fear of failing as well as fear of success and exposure.

Attention to self-care, identifying and setting boundaries constructively.

Accountability via mapping out achievable goals synched with project time-lines.

Coaching is not a substitute for necessary medical or mental health care. It is not used to diagnose or treat medical or mental health disorders. It is not and cannot be psychotherapy, counseling, or healthcare service.