Changes & Changing

“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.”  Carl Rogers

It is always a privilege to help clients in their day-to-day struggles and desires as well as map out ways in which they’d like to grow and develop in work, relationships, self-esteem, and general coping. I offer clients (individuals and couples) an opportunity for “continuing education,” helping them deal with daily concerns as well as more intensive or even crisis-ridden ones. I provide a safe space in which to identify blind spots in order to heighten their growing edge in making decisions with greater clarity, better communication, and increased well-being leading to more success around areas targeted for growth and change.

(Individually Tailored & Co-Created)

Support during crises, transitions, and loss including next steps.

Developing boundary-setting, assertiveness, and leadership skills.

Enhancing increased internal awareness and improved communication with others.

Managing stress, conflict, and distractions in order to be more present and healthy.

Working on tasks with time-lines, focusing on accountability and success.

Coaching is not a substitute for necessary medical or mental health care. It is not used to diagnose or treat medical or mental health disorders. It is not and cannot be psychotherapy, counseling, or healthcare service.